CTO at SSX Digital

Product Manager
Project Manager

Working with innovation.
It’s my passion and focus.

Let’s be honest and cut through the marketing bullshit: you need to take a project from paper to real life. Or even make your product perform better. In short, that’s what I do. If you want to learn more about working with me, check out my website.


I have been working as a developer since 2004 at a software house. I started working in the area of ​​Digital Products and Software Projects in 2008. In 2011, I graduated in Software Engineering from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Having a technical background helped me a lot in my work with Digital Products.

I was a Programming and Blockchain professor at Faculdade Arnaldo and at Escola Superior de Advocacia da OAB-MG. I was also a professor on the MBA in Blockchain course at XPeducação (former IGTI).

I have specialized in building and delivering successful products for at least 15 years. My career has had its successes and failures. And everything I have learned over the years has made me the professional I am today. I am very proud of what I have built and the friendships I have made along the way.




Maybe in a few hours of conversation you can solve your problem. I can give you tips and advice about your product or software project.


If you need full support and consulting for your software product or project, I’ll be happy to help. Let’s talk more?


I have been working with Software Products and Projects for at least 15 years. I can come to your company to teach you a little of what I have learned over the past few years.


You can check out my posts on my blog. Every week I publish content about the Product area and also about Software Projects. Feel free to subscribe to my newsletter.

Hands On

Does your Product or Project need someone with a lot of experience to make it happen? I can work directly on your project and also bring in other experts I trust to help.

Scalable Growth

Your project is already established, has a client base and now needs to grow. But we don’t want it to grow just any old way. In this scenario, what you really need to do is do it in a scalable and healthy way.




Aumento da Taxa de Conversão

Ampliando a Taxa de Conversão

No universo digital de hoje, a taxa de conversão é uma métrica fundamental para o sucesso de qualquer negócio online. Ela não apenas reflete a eficácia do seu site em transformar visitantes em clientes, mas ...
Aprendizado Contínuo

A Importância do Aprendizado Contínuo

A gestão de produtos é um campo dinâmico, essencial para o sucesso de qualquer empresa. Ela envolve não apenas o desenvolvimento de produtos, mas também o acompanhamento e adaptação às mudanças do mercado. As tendências ...

Devo virar um Product Manager?

Este é meu primeiro post para o meu site. E nada melhor que começar com um tema intrigante e que pode fazer você repensar suas aspirações profissionais: a realidade por trás da promessa de salários ...
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